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Private Jets – The Ultimate Onboard Luxury Experience

Private Jets – The Ultimate Onboard Luxury Experience

Travelling is amazing, but you need another level of travel when it comes to travelling for business reasons. A private jet offers you both parts: the fun and excitement of family trips, with friends or as a couple and, at the same time, everything you need for your business trips.

Luxaviation & ExecuJet – A quick look

If you are looking to travel in a comfortable way to your schedules and not to commercial airlines and the best service, it is possible that commercial flights may not fulfil all your requirements. You don’t have to adapt your schedule with a private jet, as travelling becomes a personalized way of satisfying your plans. On the other hand, if you travel in a group, whether for business or pleasure, you will have space and comfort that everyone needs to reach their destination.

It doesn’t matter if the trip you have is long or short.

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A private flight will allow you to be in control of your time and accomplish your commitments. If we also compare the luxury, service and design of private planes, there is no comparison. Especially considering that many airlines have not so recent model aircraft that do not offer their clients an ideal space for their flights, unless those airlines with the most luxurious First Class Cabin, but, for the price they sell their tickets, you can easily get a whole Private Jet for yourself!

Travelling is not just about flying; it is about having a great experience.

Why NetJets?

Yes, travelling is not just about flying; travelling is about enjoying every moment you experience while being away from home. Even if you compare the most common means of travelling, you find that taking a road trip risk can be dangerous, unsafe, and with little control over timetables. This gives aeroplanes a great point in their favour; this is especially for people afraid of flying. But, if you compare private flights with commercial flights, the difference is that some commercial flights do not worry about their client’s schedules, and offering the best and most personalised service is not one of their priorities.

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